Each dot on this map represents a regional/territory court. Clicking on this dot, you will get a popup with data on the respective court. To zoom in/out use a mouse wheel, double click or +/- controls to the right. To zoom to a particular court enter its name or the name of the location in a search box in the upper right corner.
By default, dot size is proportional to number of accused in court. You can change that in a selector next to the search box.
You could also display only a subset of courts satisfying certain criteria. To set those criteria, use a filter in the lower left corner. For instance, by disabling a button “District courts”, and setting the slider for the accused people in court at, say, 20–50 people, and clicking “Apply changes” you will see only territory courts with 20–50 people accused in 2009. The filter will take as many conditions as you want. To hide it, press a cross located in its upper left corner.
Our data has mistakes, so we would greatly appreciate your help and bug reports. To leave a report, press a ‘feedback’ button in the lower right corner.